Kaufland Romania launches new recycling guide

Green Forum2 April, 2024 at 8:00 AM

Kaufland Romania introduced a new recycling guide: ”RecycleManiacs". The initiative aims to promote separate waste collection through an innovative and creative approach, exploring the various types of Romanians who recycle.


From the "Vigilant Neighbor" to the "Zero Waste Chef" and the "Urban Treasure Savior," the project aims to highlight the diverse attitudes and behaviors related to waste collection among Romanians.

"RecycleManiacs" emphasizes an essential truth: regardless of the method chosen, every action matters in the fight against pollution and environmental degradation. Through humor and satire, the project reminds us that, despite our differences, we share a common goal: a greener future for the next generations," stated Valer Hancaș, Director of Communication and Corporate Affairs at Kaufland Romania.

sustainability, Kaufland Romania, green news, corporate sustainability reporting, recycle guide,