Vrancart Recycling gets funding for greenfield investment in Romania

Green Forum3 July, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Vrancart Recycling, a company 100% owned by Vrancart, will continue the implementation of the Project "Greenfield investment for the establishment of a recycling and waste recovery unit in Adjud, Vrancea County", carried out by the provisions of GD 807/2014 for the establishment of state aid schemes to stimulate investments with a major impact on the economy, with subsequent amendments and completions.

In this regard, on June 27th, 2024 Vrancart Recycling received from the Ministry of Finance, following the compliance control carried out in the Project, the amount of €7.468.072, representing the last installment of eligible expenses.

The project implemented by Vrancart Recycling is designed both as a strong economic engine for the Vrancart Group and as an important vector in supporting the local population, by generating additional jobs and paying taxes at a significantly higher level, on a long-term, relevant criteria in support of the concept of socio-economic sustainability that the Vrancart Group pursues with priority in its activity.


green energy, Vrancart, green news, Vrancart Recycling, greenfield project, recycling and waste recovery unit,