Engie Romania to promote gender equality in the workplace

Green Forum
Engie Romania achieves EDGE Move certification for significant progress in promoting gender equality in the workplace.

Engie Romania, a provider of natural gas, electricity, and technical services, and a producer of renewable energy, has achieved the EDGE Move certification, becoming the first company in the energy sector in Romania to do so, for its significant progress in promoting gender equality in the workplace. This certification attests that ENGIE Romania has a solid framework of policies and effective practices to ensure a diverse and inclusive working environment.

Essential to obtaining this recognition is the company's use of EDGE Empower, the technological solution that prepares organizations for EDGE certification. EDGE Move represents the second of three certification levels, demonstrating an organization's progress in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I).

The certification process involves a rigorous analysis by a third party of pay equity, the effectiveness of policies and practices, and the degree of inclusion within the organizational culture. As an integral part of the evaluation process, statistical data is analyzed, practices and policies are assessed, and the organization's employees respond to a comprehensive questionnaire that evaluates how career development opportunities are perceived within the company.

Currently, in Engie Romania:

32% of the total number of employees are women, and 46% hold managerial positions.
In 2023, 184 women joined the company, representing 41% of all new hires.
The commitment to gender equality is also reflected in internal mobility, with approximately 45% of eligible employees being women.

Engie's global target is for managerial positions to be occupied by 40% women and 60% men by 2030.

Presentation of ENGIE's progress in promoting gender equity and improving employee experiences:

Fair gender representation, including pay equity - Using EDGE Empower, Engie Romania has demonstrated that both genders have a minimum 30% representation at junior, middle, and senior management levels. An important aspect remains the company's active commitment to managing pay equity for its employees, regardless of gender. In this respect, pay equity within the company is within the limits recommended by both the European Union and Engie Group's objectives.
Strengthening the institutional framework - The company has strengthened its institutional policies and practices to ensure fair career development. These measures include fair remuneration, an objective recruitment and promotion process, easy access to leadership development and mentoring programs, workplace flexibility, and promoting an inclusive organizational culture.
Improving employee experiences - Proactively identified areas for improvement include career advancement through assuming responsibilities and diverse tasks, maintaining a work-life balance, inclusion in decision-making processes, and ensuring fair remuneration. By intensifying efforts in these areas, ENGIE is committed to driving progress and improving employee satisfaction.

Engie Romania also addresses the gender imbalance at operational and top management levels and improves the representation of women in both core activities and roles directly responsible for business profitability.


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Green Forum  |  10 March, 2025 at 8:04 PM
Green Forum  |  10 March, 2025 at 7:58 PM