Tuborg installs solar panels on distribution centre in Pantelimon

Alina Oprea28 February, 2023 at 9:54 AM

Beer producer Tuborg Romania installed 720 photovoltaic panels with a power of approximately 550W each on the roof of its distribution centre in Pantelimon, with the aim of partially providing the necessary electricity, according to fundon-ue.ro. The investment, secured from grants granted by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, through the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021, the Program for Energy in Romania, amounts to €525,000, and the destination of the energy thus produced is exclusively for own consumption.

"By installing a photovoltaic system for the work point located in Pantelimon, Bulevardul Biruinței no. 89, Ilfov county, located on the roof of the distribution center and its integration into the user network, which aims to partially ensure the electricity requirement, the first effect being the reduction of the increased annual consumption. Because the brewing process is carried out in continuous flow, the amount of electricity produced by the photovoltaic system will be intended for self-consumption", announces the company.

According to the company's data, during the plant's operation, the emission of pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is zero.

For each MWh produced from renewable sources, the emission of 306 kg of CO2 is avoided.

"The production of energy from renewable sources is a natural step in the current context of concern for sustainability, but also in this economic context, with constant increases in the cost of electricity. This project has remarkable potential both for protecting the environment and increasing the competitiveness of the company and our brands. In 2023, we aim to increase efficiency and develop the brands in the portfolio, but also to improve energy efficiency, and the implementation of the Solar Project is intended to bring us closer to achieving our objectives in the sphere of sustainability", said Tzafrir Granat, President of Tuborg Romania.

Tuborg Romania is one of the largest beer producers on the local market and the only brewery in Bucharest developed through a greenfield investment. Currently, the company's portfolio includes: Tuborg, Carlsberg, SKOL Original, Holsten, Guinness, Kilkenny, Weihenstephaner, Grimbergen, Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc, Bucur, Somersby, as well as Granini on the soft drinks market.

Romania, energy, solar panels, Tuborg,