Enel donates photovoltaic panels to Ukraine

Alina Oprea6 March, 2023 at 1:20 PM

Italian group Enel has donated 5,700 solar photovoltaic panels to Ukraine with a total capacity of approximately 2 MW. The donated photovoltaic solar panels will cover up to 11,400 sqm of roofs of public buildings in Ukraine. They will be delivered by summer.

By launching the Ray of Hope project with Enel, the European Commission is taking a first step in the wider initiative announced by President von der Leyen on solar panel donations to Ukraine during her visit to Kyiv on 2 February 2023. Energy Commissioner, Kadri Simson, Enel CEO Francesco Starace, and Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galushchenko met in a hybrid format to welcome Enel's commitment to donate 5,700 350 Watt Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels to Ukraine, for a total capacity of approximately 2 MW. All the solar panels donated by Enel were produced in the Italian 3Sun Gigafactory in Catania, Sicily.

"A first batch of solar panels will soon be delivered to Ukraine. I want to thank Enel, which is donating 5,700 solar panels to Ukraine. These solar panels are produced in Europe, in Catania, with the support of the European Innovation Fund. They will provide electricity to schools, hospitals, and fire stations. I am convinced that other European companies, as well as member states, will be inspired by this first step so that Ukraine can rely on clean electricity produced at home", says the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

"This project kicks off a broader initiative to increase Ukraine's energy security by developing its renewable capabilities. It demonstrates European solidarity in action and shows how investment in clean technology production can make Europe more energy secure and independent. Solar panels produced in the EU will help increase energy security for schools, hospitals, and other public buildings in Ukraine," says Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson.

This initiative is part of a wider EU-initiated effort to provide off-grid solutions aimed at powering key public civil buildings in Ukraine. As a result of Russia's ongoing attacks on civilian energy infrastructure in Ukraine, the EU is providing 5,400 power generators. Photovoltaic panels will play a similar role, as they will allow public buildings in Ukraine to rely on self-generated electricity.

"The photovoltaic panels we are donating were produced by our 3Sun Gigafactory. These panels will generate clean, sustainable, and safe energy, helping critical public buildings in Ukraine, such as schools and hospitals, become energy independent", says Enel CEO Francesco Starace.

The Ukrainian Minister of Energy, German Galushchenko, declared that, in continuation of this approach, the Ministry of Energy will focus on stimulating the development of green energy.

All the solar panels donated by Enel were produced in Italy's 3Sun Gigafactory in Catania, Sicily, which is set to become Europe's largest PV module factory by increasing its current annual production capacity of 200 MW to around 3 GW per year until 2024, with a planned investment of around €600 million.

photovoltaic panels, Enel, Ukraine,