AE SOLAR to produce solar panels in Romania

Alina Oprea7 March, 2023 at 8:42 AM

Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă met, at the Victoria Palace, with representatives of the German manufacturer of solar panels AE SOLAR and the Black Sea Universities Network. On this occasion, the company AE SOLAR announced that it will open a factory for the production of solar panels in Romania, the total value of the investment being 1 billion euros. In the initial phase, this larger project will have a capacity of 2 GW, and upon completion of the full integration of production flows in Romania, it will reach 10 GW, which represents a third of the European requirement.

Company representatives have confirmed that they will operationalize the first phase this year.

"At the level of the Government, the resources that can be secured through European funding or from the state budget will be analyzed to support the realization of the project", states the Government.

Regarding the ways to support the development of the applicability of the large-scale investment, specialists from the Network of Black Sea Universities will be involved, who will be able to cooperate through a science park complementary to the production facilities.

"This investment will place Romania at the center of the European production of solar panels, contributing substantially not only to energy independence but also to protecting the environment, by using renewable, clean energy for the production of electricity. The government responds, thus, not only to a requirement assumed at the European level but also to the need felt by citizens and private companies to access cheap and environmentally friendly solutions to have the energy", declared Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă.

AE Solar operates in 95 countries, being 65% controlled by the German company AE Invest GmbH. 35% goes to Chin hope Co Ltd.

"We are accelerating the transition to clean energy and increasing Romania's energy independence from fossil fuels through investments. Investments drive progress, and renewable energy is the future. I was present at the meeting with representatives of the AE SOLAR company and the Black Sea Universities Network, organized at the Victoria Palace. On this occasion, the company AE SOLAR announced that it will open a factory for the production of solar panels in Romania, the total value of the investment being one billion euros. The Ministry of Energy will continue to be concerned with identifying and implementing the best solutions for the citizens of Romania", says the State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy George Sergiu Niculescu.

All these steps contribute significantly to the reduction of electricity costs, energy efficiency, and the reduction of carbon footprint, the official also says.

"Romania has more and more investment opportunities, and that of the AE SOLAR company is also important in view of the fact that it could take place in Constanta county. With every investment, we help build a future that is powered by clean and renewable energy!", adds the Secretary of State.

Romania, solar panels, AE Solar, Nicolae Ciuca,