Romania's largest wind park to be built in Galati County

Romanias largest wind park to be built in Galati County

Alina Oprea3 April, 2023 at 9:34 AM

A park with wind turbines will be built on the lands of 13 localities in Galati County. It will be the largest park of this type in Romania, which will cost approximately half a billion euros. 136 wind turbines will be erected on an area of ​​13,000 hectares. At maximum capacity, it could supply more than 3,000 homes for a year. The local authorities claim that it will be the largest wind farm in Romania and the largest investment of this type in the country.

Once started, the work could be ready in four years. The wind farm, which will have 136 turbines, received the technical approval for the grid connection of a 629 MW project.

"The project company Hoopeks International obtained the technical approval for the grid connection of a 657 MW wind project in Galati - an investment of €500 million! The project company Hoopeks International is owned by Electrocentrale Borzeşti, which is owned by RNV Infrastructure. It is the largest approved wind farm up to this moment and if it is realized, it will be the largest profile investment in Romania. Currently, the largest local wind farm is Fântânele-Cogealac, with a capacity of 600 MW, but it is divided into two projects managed by different companies", announced Florin Virgil Doca, mayor of the Valea Mărului commune in Galaţi.

The wind farm will be built on land from 13 administrative-territorial units in Galati county. The feasibility study was approved by the Galati County Council.

"The investment is carried out on the territory of 13 UATs from Galati County: Bereşti, Bălăbăneşti, Cavadineşti, Smulţi, Bereşti-Meria, Băneasa, Drăguşeni, Cerțesti, Valea Mărului, Jorăşti, Corod, Vârlezi, Suceveni. Through the project, 136 turbines with a power of 6.2 MW and 7 transformation stations will be built. Currently, the investor is in the process of obtaining the approvals necessary to draw up the final PUZ urban planning documentation", announced Costel Fotea, the president of the Galaţi County Council.

The local authorities say that in addition to the huge investment, the project will lead to an increase in budget revenues because a tax will be levied on the buildings. Also, hundreds of jobs will be created, adjacent investments will be made and communities in the area will be supplied with green energy.

"I hope this park will be realized because it will be the biggest park in the country. The region of Galaţi, Brăila, and this area of ​​Dobrogea is one of the windiest, about 360-365 days a year. The more the number of wind farms in Romania increases, the more the electricity price will decrease," says Fotea.

green energy, renewable energy, wind park, Costel Fotea, Hoopeks International,