Keno enters the Romanian market with solar systems

Alina Oprea9 May, 2023 at 12:33 PM

Keno, one of the largest players in the renewable energy industry in Poland, has announced its official entry into the Romanian market. The Keno Group specializes in the production of solar panels, heat pumps, switchboards, and mounting systems. It is also the developer and manufacturer of Keno Home self-sustainable modular homes. The Polish company is present in Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. Keno provides installers with a B2B platform for configuring the technical solution and a training center for partners, where the company's trainers will hold training courses for ANRE-certified installers.

"We are happy to make available to our customers in Romania the latest technologies and innovations of the moment in the field of photovoltaic energy. With minimal effort on the part of users, it is possible to configure various integrated photovoltaic systems and easily place any order, regardless of its complexity," said Michal Ludwikowski, Development Director of Keno Group.

Keno Energy brings to Romania a portfolio of important brands, among which are the most important international manufacturers in the field of photovoltaic energy such as Huawei, Sharp, Longi, Jinko, Fronius, LG, Trina, Viessmann, and Bosch.

"From the Keno Energy warehouse, located in CTP Park Bucharest - Dragomirești Deal, with an area of ​​over 2,200 square meters, photovoltaic panels, switchboards, inverters, assembly systems, heat pumps, carports, systems of energy storage and charging of electric vehicles – state-of-the-art technology products, certified to the highest international standards of the industry", claim company officials.

The Keno Group was founded in 2008. In 2022 it recorded a turnover of over €575 million and delivered over 1,026 MW of photovoltaic modules and 1,326 MW of inverters.

Romania, solar panels, Keno, solar systems, heat pumps,