Kärcher invests €100,000 in equipping HQ with PV panels

Alina Oprea21 June, 2023 at 10:00 AM

Kärcher, a company in the field of cleaning technology, has invested almost €100,000 in equipping the headquarters inaugurated last year in Pipera with photovoltaic panels. To date, the company has reduced its costs for conventional consumption by approximately 45%. The photovoltaic panels for the Kärcher headquarters were installed in just three weeks. So far, they have generated an economy of conventional consumption of approximately 45%, and the investment of almost €100,000 is expected to pay off in a maximum of 6 years after installation.

The initiative is part of the company's strategy to contribute to a sustainable future, thus participating in the reduction of the carbon footprint, according to the commitment assumed by the sustainability strategy - global production neutral in terms of carbon emissions until the year 2025.

"As part of our sustainability strategy, we make every effort to help reduce pollution and protect the environment. The new project to equip the headquarters with photovoltaic panels will contribute both to obtaining energy from renewable sources, with zero carbon emissions and to reducing operational costs, an important aspect for the unpredictable economic context in which we find ourselves", says Mihaela Dărângă, Director of Marketing, Kärcher Romania.

The transition to renewable energy is one of Kärcher's main objectives, in order to combat climate change and protect the environment, the company also says.

With a capacity of 100 kW, the photovoltaic system will be able to cover a significant part of the energy needs of the Kärcher headquarters. The generated energy will power lighting systems, IT equipment, and other electrical devices, thus contributing to the reduction of energy consumption, as well as a better estimate related to energy costs.

"By adopting solar energy, we aim to set a positive example and encourage other players in the industry to take responsibility for investing in green solutions. In addition, we are convinced that this investment in renewable energy will bring long-term economic benefits, by reducing dependence on traditional energy sources and by efficiently managing energy costs", adds Mihaela Dărângă, Marketing Director, Kärcher Romania.

The company specifies that it assumes responsibility and acts in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. In this sense, the company develops and makes available to customers innovative environmentally friendly solutions. These include products that feature energy-saving modes and operate with Li-ion batteries, which substantially reduce energy consumption and help customers reduce pollution, and help protect the environment.

For the next year, Kärcher Romania's objective is to continue its contribution to reducing pollution by investing in a new photovoltaic system on the roof of the warehouse. It will have an even higher power, of 130 kW/h, and will produce green energy, which will be distributed in the network. Thus, the company will cover its entire building's electricity needs and actively contribute to helping consumers protect the environment by reducing pollution.

Romania, green energy, photovoltaic panels, environment, Kärcher,