Eurohold puts into operation Bulgaria's largest PV park

Alina Oprea27 June, 2023 at 9:30 AM

Eurohold Bulgaria has commissioned the 123 MW Verila solar park located in Dupnitsa in southwest Bulgaria, according to Enerdata. Eurohold is the group that owns the bankrupt Euroins Romania insurance company. The photovoltaic power plant is currently the largest in Bulgaria. The electricity produced will be delivered to the telephone operator Yettel and the telecommunications infrastructure company Cetin Bulgaria. The photovoltaic park required an investment of BGN200 million (€102 million), which was partially secured by Eurohold and supplemented by amounts from DSK Bank and Varengold Bank.

By the end of 2021, solar accounted for almost 10% of Bulgaria's installed capacity at 1.2 GW, but only 3% of electricity production at around 1.5 TWh.

Eurohold owns the Euroins insurance company, one of the largest in Romania and the leader of the RCA policy market, which recently went bankrupt. However, the company has been active in the Bulgarian energy market for some time, buying the assets of the Czech energy group CEZ in the Balkan country for €335 million.

Romania, green energy, renewable energy, photovoltaic park, Bulgaria, Euroins, insurance, Eurohold,