Energy renovation rate in Romania should triple

Alina Oprea28 June, 2023 at 10:30 AM

The construction sector has a central role in achieving the climate and energy objectives set by the EU EPBD Directive and approved by the European Parliament in March this year, with deadlines for 2030 and 2050 respectively. According to the Association for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Buildings (ROENEF), the construction sector represents approximately 8.2% of the EU GDP, respectively 10% of total employment. As for the energy renovation rate, it should triple in order for Romania to align itself with the terms of the directive, in order to reach our climate objectives. The representatives of the association draw attention to the importance of the effective renovation of the entire stock of buildings on the surface of the EU, including Romania, renovation that falls under the direct influence of the players in the construction field.

"The ROENEF Association welcomes the adoption of the report on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD) by the European Parliament and supports all the amendments adopted on March 14, 2023. The directive provides for the establishment of an appropriate regulatory, financial, and indicative framework to support the renovation of buildings, the introduction of minimum standards of energy performance (MEPS), an improved energy performance certificate (EPC) scheme, and the implementation of the zero-emission construction standard at a faster pace", the association says.

For every €1 million invested in the energy renovation of buildings, 18 jobs are created on average in the EU.

"In order to achieve our climate and energy goals, the energy renovation rate should triple and aim to transform the building stock into buildings with almost zero energy consumption, including in Romania. Let's not forget the benefits in terms of quality of life, indirect savings, respectively jobs produced by renovation. For every €1 million invested in the energy renovation of buildings, 18 jobs are created on average in the EU. Efficient renovation of office buildings increases productivity by around 12%, leading to a potential benefit of around €500 billion for the economy per year. Moreover, the effective renovation of hospitals reduces hospitalization by 11%, producing potential savings of approximately €45 billion per year for the medical sector, at the EU level", declares Mihai Moia, Executive Director of the ROENEF Association.

In this sense, according to the representative of ROENEF, Romania should focus on essential aspects, such as: establishing a clear roadmap for improving the energy performance of the existing building stock, developing digital technologies to measure the exact energy performance of the building stock, measuring the energy consumption for heating and cooling in the transition to decarbonized buildings. Another important measure for our country would be the implementation of private and public one-stop shops to provide personalized advice, but also alignment with the action to reduce the energy performance classes (EPC) and Class G to 15% of the building stock in the member states.

The Association for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Buildings - ROENEF, represents a non-profit, apolitical association formed by multinational companies such as Saint-Gobain, Rockwool, Knauf Insulation, Signify, Danfoss, VELUX Romania, Alukonigstahl, URSA, SOMFY, Schneider Electric, ALUPROF, DAIKIN, and PERI. The objective of the ROENEF association is to promote and support a legislative framework favorable to the increase of energy efficiency in buildings in order to achieve the national and European objectives regarding the neutrality of carbon dioxide emissions, energy efficiency, and energy from renewable sources.

Romania, renewable energy, carbon dioxide emissions, ROENEF, energy efficiency in buildings,