Severnav Shipyard to build its first PV power plant

Alina Oprea11 July, 2023 at 9:30 AM

The Severnav Shipyard is building its first photovoltaic power plant. It will be located within the premises of the unit and will be built with non-reimbursable funds, through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The works should be ready in August of this year. With the completion of this plant, the site would provide a large part of its electricity needs. The photovoltaic power plant will have a capacity of 1MW and will be positioned on the roof of the main production hall within the Severnav shipyard.

Several experts in the field of solar energy are already working on the implementation of the project. It should be ready on August 1.

"By using high-performance solar panels and efficient energy storage systems we will ensure a sustainable and ecological source of electricity. We aimed to have the plant fully operational by August 1, 2023, and contribute significantly to reducing our dependence on traditional energy sources. Through this investment, we aim to become more energy efficient, using renewable energy, reduce the impact on the environment and ensure a stable source of electricity," said Constantin Georgescu, Director General of the Severnav Shipyard.

The construction of the new plant will be carried out with funds obtained through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Romania, renewable energy, photovoltaic park, The Severnav Shipyard, PV power plant,