E.ON completes three PV plants for AgranoLand group

Alina Oprea13 July, 2023 at 6:00 PM

E.ON Energie Romania has completed the construction and installation of three photovoltaic energy generation systems for the AgranoLand company, as part of a partnership concluded in 2022. The plants were installed in three localities in Vrancea County and will annually produce over 1,290 MWh of energy electric. The value of the investment exceeds €1 million. AgranoLand will reduce its CO2 emissions by approx. 367 tons per year.

The three power stations of 400 kW, 180 kW and 160 kW respectively were installed on the lands that serve a livestock farm, a silo, and a mill belonging to the beneficiary, in the localities of Odobești, Gara Cotești, and Podu Zamfirei (Vrancea county). The nominal installed power is approximately 1MWp and annually provides approximately 1,290 MWh of renewable electricity.

More than 2,000 photovoltaic modules have been installed and, through this system, the AgranoLand group will secure 35% of the necessary electricity from renewable sources. It will also reduce its CO2 emissions by approx. 367 tons every year.

"We want to support more and more companies in their efforts to make their energy consumption more efficient and become more environmentally friendly, and such projects, like the one developed in partnership with AgranoLand, reconfirm the fact that our objective to sign decisively on the path of sustainability, together with our customers, is the right one", said Claudia Griech, general director of E.ON Energie Romania.

E.ON ensured the beneficiary company the entire investment project for energy efficiency, from consultancy and customized design to implementation and financing.

"Our companies, V&G OIL 2002 SRL and "little sister" AgranoLand SRL, are part of the project from which I have not deviated for a moment, that of producing only healthy food, beneficial for consumers. Approx. 1,000 hectares out of the total of over 4,000 that we work on are BIO certified. Out of respect for everything that surrounds us, when the alternative of consuming green energy from sources given by nature was possible, I did not hesitate to respond to E.ON Energie Romania's offer and to implement this project together. Of course, the economic aspect cannot be neglected either, thus reducing electricity costs", said Vasile Pamfil, administrator and general director of AgranoLand.

In the non-residential segment, E.ON Energie Romania's portfolio of photovoltaic generation projects currently includes over 285 completed projects, with a total value of €49 million. The total production of photovoltaic energy is over 63 GWh/year, and CO2 emissions are reduced by approximately 14,300 tons each year.

Romania, renewable energy, E.ON Energie Romania, photovoltaic system, AgranoLand SRL, PV plant,