nextE invests more in renewable energy in Romania

Alina Oprea25 August, 2023 at 5:02 PM

nextE, a renewable energy company operating as an Independent Power Producer (IPP), announced the continuation of its investment and development plans that confirm its vision of energy as a service - Energy as a Service (EaaS). The EaaS (Energy as a Service) implementation option involves the production of electricity in a photovoltaic plant built, financed, owned, and used by nextE, at the customer's consumption locations or in locations external to the customer's consumption locations. This business model ensures the maximum consumption benefit of customers from renewable sources, at the best electricity production cost.

In this development model, nextE customers, industrial and commercial consumers, have access to renewable energy from generation capacities from solar photovoltaic sources with zero investment cost, without performance risks and operational risks, on-site and off-site, with long-term contractual structures.

"In these two years since its establishment, nextE has validated its business model, accumulating expertise and its own teams for the large-scale implementation of solar energy infrastructure, from development, construction, and commissioning, to technical and commercial exploitation of RES sources (Renewable Energy Sources). The innovative business model, state-of-the-art technologies, and dedicated organizational configuration are designed specifically to ensure business customers with sustainable energy supply at predictable costs, a critical factor in the long-term strategic planning of their businesses," said Daniel Husaru, Co-Founder & Co-CEO of Energy Markets, nextE.

In 2023, nextE will commission 22.3 MWp and has another 64.3 MWp of renewable energy capacity under implementation.

The generated electricity production is delivered to the final customer, ensuring companies not only energy independence and long-term stability, but above all the reduction of the cost of electricity, and last but not least the reduction of the CO2 footprint.

nextE's clients are companies that have a sustainable development strategy and develop a partnership with nextE, in order to have electricity consumption from renewable sources, with zero investment cost, without performance risks and operational risks. On the other hand, other clients of the company are renewable energy producers who want to get the maximum benefits from their investment, through a long-term partnership with nextE.

Romania, green energy, renewable energy, electricity consumption, nextE,