Pehart Tec Grup to install 2 MW PV system on Dej industrial platform

Alina Oprea24 January, 2024 at 11:30 AM

The paper producer Pehart Tec Grup SA will install a 2 MW photovoltaic system with storage. The company from Sebeș has announced the signing of a contract with the Ministry of Energy through which it will carry out a project for the installation of a photovoltaic system with storage at the factory in Dej. The total value of the project is RON 18.5 million (€3.7 million), of which the amount of non-reimbursable financing (of the requested state aid) is RON 3.97 million (€794,000). The project entitled "Implementation of a photovoltaic system on the DEJ - Pehart Tec Grup SA industrial platform" is to be implemented by June 30, 2024, informs the company.

The implementation of the project started in January, with the signing of the financing contract concluded with the Ministry of Energy as coordinator of reforms and investments for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - Component 6. Energy.

"The project's general objective is to increase the production of energy from renewable solar sources through the installation and implementation of a photovoltaic system with a storage component on the Dej industrial platform. Therefore, the project aims to install a photovoltaic system with an installed power of inverters of 2.05 MW and a storage unit of 492 kWh at the production unit of the company Pehart Tec Grup S.A. from Dej Municipality, Cluj County, to increase the company's energy efficiency and reduce its carbon footprint. The electricity produced by the photovoltaic system will be used for self-consumption", according to the paper producer.

Pehart Tec Grup SA has been controlled since 2017 by an investment fund, Abris Capital Partners, with a presence in Central and Eastern Europe. The factory in Dej, where this photovoltaic system is installed, was built between 2012 and 2015 and was equipped with new production lines for jumbo rolls toilet paper, and paper towels.

Romania, green energy, renewable energy, photovoltaic system, paper, Pehart Tec Grup,