Rezolv Energy signs connection contract for 600 MW wind project in Constanta

Green Forum2 February, 2024 at 11:00 AM

Rezolv Energy, a company developing several renewable energy projects in Romania, announced the signing of the connection contract for the future 600 MW Danube East and West wind farm in Constanta.

„We have signed the grid connection agreement for Dunarea East & West, our 600MW onshore wind project in Constanța county, Romania, which we are developing in partnership with Low Carbon. The two wind farms will be located in the communes of Adamclisi & Deleni and will share the same grid connection point, requiring the construction of a new 400 kV interconnection substation to feed the power produced into the transmission network”, Rezolv Energy announced on its Linkedin page.

According to the company, once operational, Dunarea East & West will be one of Europe's largest onshore wind farms, generating enough clean energy to power more than 332,000 homes and avoid approximately 220,000 tonnes of CO2e annually.

„As with all of our projects, the clean power Dunarea East & West generates will be sold to commercial and industrial users through long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs). Do get in touch to explore the various PPA options that are available”, said the company.

green energy, sustainability, ESG, Constanta, Rezolv Energy, green news, corporate sustainability reporting, eu esg reporting, net zero,