Romanian Energy Ministry signs 14 PV panel financing contracts

Green Forum10 June, 2024 at 5:00 PM

Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja has signed 14 financing contracts for photovoltaic panels for municipalities and public institutions. The total value is almost €7 million.

The total installed capacity is 4.6 MW, which means an estimated electricity production of more than 5.5 million kWh per year.

The towns with which contracts have been signed are Negrești, Negru Voda, and Dorohoi.

The municipalities with which contracts have been signed are Topraisar, Frumușeni, Petrești, Beceni, Ardușat, Tansa, Valea Lupului, Costișa, Grajduri and Coșna.

A grant contract has also been signed with the Polytechnic University of Timișoara.

green energy, photovoltaic panels, green news, Energy Ministry,