Hidroelectrica signs contract to modernize Vidraru Hydropower Plant

Green Forum9 July, 2024 at 4:00 PM

Hidroelectrica signed the contract for the modernization of the Vidraru Hydropower Plant, a project of strategic importance for the National Energy System (SEN), an investment of around 188 million euros.

The contract was won by the association formed by Electromontaj, Koncar – Engineering Co. Ltd. and Butan Group.

The Vidraru Hydropower Development is one of the most important and strategic investments in energy infrastructure in Romania.

The Vidraru Hydropower Plant, inaugurated on December 9, 1966, harnesses the hydropower potential of a 28 km stretch of the Argeș River, boasting an installed capacity of 220 MW and contributing approximately 400 GWh annually to electricity production. At its inauguration, the Vidraru Dam ranked as the fifth largest in Europe and the ninth largest in the world.

Hidroelectrica operates 187 plants with a total hydropower capacity of 6.3 GW and also owns a wind farm in Crucea with an installed capacity of 108 MW.

green energy, Hidroelectrica, green news, Vidraru Hydropower Development,