Hidroelectrica upgrades Vaduri, Remeți, and Arcești plants

Green Forum2 September, 2024 at 8:47 PM

Hidroelectrica has signed contracts with the Hidroserv and UCMH consortium to modernize the Vaduri, Remeți, and Arcești hydroelectric plants.

At Vaduri, the modernization will include upgrading hydro aggregate number 2 (HA2), the 110 kV station, and the mechanical and electrical equipment for the plant and dam. 

For the Remeți Hydroelectric Power Plant, the project involves modernizing hydrounit number 2 (HA2), the 110 kV station, general installations, and the pressure node, including the Drăgan Dam. 

At Arcești, the work will modernize hydrounit number 2 and replace the automation and monitoring systems for hydrounit number 1. 

green energy, Hidroelectrica, green news, hydroelectric plants,