Solar leads Poland's renewables auctions

Green Forum
Poland's latest renewables auctions, as revealed by the Energy Regulatory Authority (URE), saw solar power take a commanding lead, securing 198 out of 200 successful bids. 

Auctions for hydroelectric plants, agricultural biogas, and biomass failed to attract sufficient valid offers and went unresolved.

The URE published the results of seven auctions held in December, covering a range of renewable energy technologies. In the auction for projects greater than 1 MW, 172 bids were submitted for solar, while only two bids were made for onshore wind. A total of 126 solar projects, amounting to approximately 1,481 MW, were approved, alongside two wind projects totaling 90.8 MW.

In a separate auction for solar and wind projects under 1 MW, 96 solar bids were received, but no bids were made for wind. The auction approved 72 solar projects from 40 developers, though the total capacity was not disclosed. Five other auctions aimed at securing contracts for hydroelectric, agricultural biogas, and biomass projects were not resolved due to the lack of the required three valid bids per technology, as per Polish auction rules.

In 2023, Poland added 4.6 GW of solar capacity, pushing its total installed solar capacity to more than 17 GW.



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Green Forum  |  10 March, 2025 at 8:04 PM
Green Forum  |  10 March, 2025 at 7:58 PM