Syrena Real Estate Signs cPPA with Polenergia

Green Forum
Syrena Real Estate has entered into a corporate Power Purchase Agreement (cPPA) with Polenergia Sprzedaż.

This four-year contract secures the supply of renewable energy from the FW Dębsk and FF Strzelino wind farms, owned by the Polenergia Group, along with energy balancing services.

Through this partnership, four properties in Syrena's portfolio—the Diuna office complex (46,000 sqm), the Hop office building (14,000 sqm), the PRS Habitu residential building (3,000 sqm) in Warsaw, and Office Komandorska in Wrocław (4,000 sqm)—have been powered exclusively by renewable energy since the beginning of 2025. The agreement covers a contracted energy volume of 30,000 MWh, fully meeting the energy needs of Syrena Real Estate's properties.

Beyond adapting its projects to climate challenges, Syrena Real Estate is also committed to ensuring long-term energy cost stability. This agreement with Polenergia Sprzedaż plays a key role in its strategy to lower CO2 emissions and enhance energy efficiency across its real estate portfolio.

Green Forum  |  12 March, 2025 at 10:53 PM
Green Forum  |  12 March, 2025 at 9:45 PM