2,600 garbage bags are collected from Tarnita Lake

Alina Oprea11 July, 2023 at 2:30 PM

Cluj County Council announces that 2,600 garbage bags were collected from Tarnita Lake. The Romanian Alpine Club, Cluj Branch, organized the other days, with the support of the Cluj County Council, an extensive sanitization action of Lake Tarnița. Alin Tișe, the president of the Cluj County Council, says that he will continue to offer support to other requests that he will receive for this purpose.

"The activity brought together about 150 volunteers who managed to collect, both on land and on water, from kayaks, canoes, or boats, 2,600 garbage bags. Also, in addition to the actual collection, a population awareness campaign was also carried out", announced the Cluj County Council.

The demonstration also benefited from the support and specialized assistance of the Salvamont-Salvaspeo Cluj County Public Service, subordinate to the County Council.

"The large number of people who responded affirmatively to this initiative proves to us, once again, the fact that the residents of Cluj are extremely concerned both with protecting nature, in general, and with preserving and capitalizing on the natural wealth that our county is proud of. We will continue to offer support to other requests that we will receive for this purpose," said Alin Tișe, president of the Cluj County Council.

The county administrative forum has constantly supported other projects in the field of environmental protection, among which the greening actions of the Beliș and Tarnița lakes, the Turzii Gorges and the Turenilor Gorges, the national cleaning campaign "Let's Do It, Romania!", afforestation activities in the area of ​​Petreștii de Jos commune and Măguri-Răcătău, etc.

Romania, Cluj County Council, environment, Alin Tise, Tarnita Lake, garbage, garbage bags, Salvamont,