Zentiva Romania plants 38,800 trees in the Făgăraș Mountains

Alina Oprea3 August, 2023 at 5:00 PM

The Zentiva Group in Romania, the largest producer of generic drugs locally, completed the planting of 38,800 trees in the Făgăraș Mountains this year. The measure is part of the company's long-term commitment to support environmental protection and rehabilitation. The planted lot represents a new round of Zentiva's contribution to restoring the ecosystem in the Făgăraș Mountains. The partnership for ecological reconstruction in the Făgăraș Mountains is carried out together with the Conservation Carpathia Foundation; started in 2019 and runs regularly every year.

Zentiva's support will help restore the natural ecosystem in new forests, prevent soil erosion, reduce CO2 emissions and create habitats for wildlife.

To date, more than 125,000 trees have been planted with Zentiva support, which has directly contributed to the reconstruction of forest areas totaling around 40 hectares. The reconstructed surfaces fall into two large categories, respectively some cut in accordance with forestry legislation 10-15 years ago and others blown down by the wind. This approach is part of the company's global objective to plant 1 million trees by 2030, Romania being an important contributor to the project.

The planting activities were planned and carried out with the support of the Conservation Carpathia Foundation and the Carpathia Forest Ring Road, and the objective of the project is to create forests similar to the natural ones that were the result of millions of years of natural evolution, forests that existed in the past on these surfaces. According to the historical data regarding the natural forests that disappeared prematurely in the areas that were the object of ecological reconstruction, the plantations were made in a mix of species that include beech, fir, spruce, maple, elm, and hawthorn.

"This project, which has acquired a permanent character in Zentiva, is part of our company's strategy to develop sustainably, an important component being the preservation and reduction of the impact on the environment. The planting project is a project with multiple valences; in addition to planting trees, there is an impact on local communities, on biodiversity, and our colleagues get involved every year, together with our partners from the Foundation, in various activities. I can draw a parallel between our dedication and our daily work to provide much-needed treatments to patients and this project through which we contribute to the "healthiness" of the environment so that we can have a better and more beautiful life together", said Simona Cocoș, General Manager of Zentiva Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

According to the European Environment Agency, in a year, a mature tree can take about 22 kilograms of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and in return it releases oxygen. Considering an average lifespan of 25 years for a tree, the 125,000 trees planted with the support of Zentiva will absorb about 2,750,000 kg of CO2/year at maturity.

"Restoring a forest requires a consistent and sustained effort of at least 10-15 years in these areas at over 1,400 meters altitude, which is why we need long-term partners to support us in bringing back at least part of the forest for children and from the nature we all too easily lost. We are happy that together we can leave to future generations such a valuable legacy, the "forest", this living organism whose value and beneficial contribution to us humans far exceeds what we already know about oxygen production and carbon sequestration, about preserving quality and constancy water sources, about the moderation of climate change, soil protection and about many other already recognized functions of the forest", said Mihai Zotta, conservation director of the Conservation Carpathia Foundation.

Romania, environment, forest, planting trees, Zentiva, the Conservation Carpathia Foundation, Făgăraș Mountains,