Expenditures for environmental protection in Romania amount to €4 billion

Green Forum23 October, 2023 at 10:00 AM

In 2022, expenses for environmental protection at the national level were RON 20.4 billion (€4.08 billion), representing 1.4% of GDP, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INS). At the national level, the highest expenses for environmental protection were recorded in the field of waste management at specialized producers, representing 78.3% of the total expenses in the field of waste management. At the national level, the largest investments for environmental protection were recorded in the field of wastewater management at the public administration, representing 60.6% of the total investments in the field of wastewater management.

In 2022, at the national level, investments for environmental protection represented 23.6% of the total expenses for environmental protection. At the national level, the investments of the public administration have the largest share in the total investments for environmental protection (40.3%), followed by the investments of non-specialized producers (33.9%) and those of specialized producers (25.8%).

Non-specialized producers registered the highest expenses for environmental protection in the "production and supply of electricity and thermal energy, gas and hot water" sector (33.9%), in the "extractive industry" sector (21.3%), and in the "extractive industry" sector (21.3%) "catchment, treatment and distribution of water" (17.2%).

In 2022, the largest investments for environmental protection were registered in the field of wastewater management, with a value of RON 2.3 billion (€460 million) at current prices.

In 2022, the highest expenses for environmental protection were recorded by the "waste management" field, with a value of RON 10.46 billion (€2.09 billion) current prices, followed by the "wastewater management" field, with RON 3.635 billion (€727 million) current prices.

The highest expenses for environmental protection were registered among producers specialized in the field of "waste management" with 95% of the expenses of this category of producers, representing 78.3% of the expenses for environmental protection at the national level for this environmental field.

These are followed by the expenses of non-specialized producers for the "wastewater management" field with 39.9% of the expenses of this category of producers, representing 56.3% of the expenses for environmental protection at the national level for this environmental field.

Romania, environment, environmental protection, INS, the National Institute of Statistics, wastewater,