Cluj-Napoca to plant over 1,200 trees this fall

Alina Oprea25 October, 2023 at 12:36 PM

Cluj-Napoca City Hall has said that it will continue planting trees and setting up new parks, announced Mayor Emil Boc. More than 1,200 bale trees, with a minimum circumference of 35 cm, will be planted in the city this autumn. Bale trees will be planted on public land at schools, kindergartens, street alignments, near playgrounds, and other places in all neighbourhoods.

"With the beginning of autumn, Cluj-Napoca City Hall also starts a new planting season. 1,262 bale trees are ready to be planted this season. The trees are of species used in the urban environment, such as maple, linden (silver linden), red chestnut, ash trees, plums, ginkgo biloba", says Mayor Emil Boc.

Over 2,800 trees with large bales were planted by the City Hall of Cluj-Napoca in the city's neighborhoods in the period autumn 2022 - spring 2023. To these are added hundreds of trees planted by the municipality alongside the private sector, civil society / non-governmental organizations, and universities in various joint planting actions during the same period.

We continue to invest in what represents the "green dimension" of the city, from planting and setting up new parks to supporting innovation processes and using European funds to implement international best practice models in Cluj.

Romania, Emil Boc, planting trees, Cluj-Napoca,