Filbo & OMRO plant 250 forest saplings

Alina Oprea28 November, 2023 at 10:23 AM

Filbo, the fintech specialized in crediting entrepreneurs through a 100% digital solution, has announced is taking the first step in its strategy to protect the environment and implement sustainable practices. The company announces its participation in the afforestation actions alongside the "We plant good deeds in Romania" initiative. Thus, the company undertakes to plant one tree for each loan disbursed, starting with 250 forest saplings planted in Buzău County this month.

"Our mission is to promote sustainability, an aspect that is already part of our way of working by granting 100% digital credits, which do not involve the movement of our customers, but also by implementing the digital signature, which eliminates physical contracts, reducing carbon emissions. We aim to have a real impact on the natural environment and to get involved in voluntary actions that contribute to the reforestation of Romania. We aim to have a positive impact, both in the development of the businesses of small entrepreneurs and on the environment", declares Georgiana Andrei, CEO of OMRO & Filbo.

In 2022, the national forest fund occupies 27.7% of the country's surface, indicating an increase of only 0.3% compared to 2013, according to data published by the National Institute of Statistics. Filbo & OMRO states that it undertakes to be actively involved in voluntary actions together with specialized organizations that contribute to the reforestation of the country.

Thus, the company aims to take part in afforestation actions every planting season, every fall and spring, and the next 250 credits granted will contribute to the company's mission until the next spring activity.

The "We plant good deeds in Romania" initiative is committed to contributing to the reforestation of Romania through volunteers. From 2011 until now, 48,200 volunteers have planted over 3.18 million saplings in an area of ​​761 hectares, mostly on unproductive public land in localities in 35 counties of Romania. The surfaces are monitored, completed, and cared for until they reach the massive stage.

Filbo & OMRO employees were actively involved in this activity, 12 of them contributing 21 planted acacias each. The afforestation action took place at the Boboc Air Base in Buzău County, on an area of ​​5 hectares with 26,000 acacia saplings.

Filbo is a Fintech platform, a registered trademark of OMRO, a non-banking financial institution with a history of almost 30 years providing financing for micro-enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. The application process is 100% digital, from product selection, document upload, and online identification, to electronic contract signing. The digital lending solution aims to increase access to financing for small entrepreneurs, addressing a segment that needs faster and more flexible solutions.

Filbo is the only fintech in Romania that benefits from the EaSI and InvestEU European guarantee programs, offered by the European Investment Fund.

Romania, environment, forest, trees, Filbo, acacia, saplings,