Kaufland Romania cuts carbon footprint through reusable packaging

Green Forum2 August, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Kaufland Romania reduced its carbon footprint by 3,418 tons in 2023 by utilizing Euro Pool System (EPS) reusable collapsible crates.

This achievement secured the company its fourth consecutive sustainability certificate from Euro Pool System, the European leader in logistics for reusable fresh product packaging.

In 2023, Kaufland Romania completed over 10 million rotations of EPS crates, as noted in the sustainability certificate.

This effort underscores the company's commitment to minimizing environmental impact and fostering green practices in transporting fruits and vegetables by cutting down on single-use cardboard packaging. EPS crates maintain food freshness and save space with their foldable design. Damaged crates are recycled and remade into new ones.


green energy, sustainability, Kaufland Romania, carbon footprint, green news, corporate sustainability reporting,