EBRD launches €1 billion 7-year green bond

Green Forum12 July, 2024 at 9:00 AM

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, Aaa/AAA/AAA) has priced its largest ever green bond transaction, issuing a €1 billion 7-year benchmark.

Issued under EBRD's Environmental Sustainability Programme, the proceeds will support a specific portfolio of green projects ("Green Project Portfolio" or "GPP"), which includes investments in Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Water Management, Waste Management, Pollution Prevention and Control, and Sustainable Transport.

Investor interest surged throughout the morning, surpassing €2.6 billion by 10:13 UKT, allowing the spread to be set at MS+12bps. The order book closed at 10:30 UKT with final orders exceeding €2.7 billion, and the bond size set at €1 billion, with demand from over 70 investors.

green energy, EBRD, green financing, green bonds, green news,