Sebastian Burduja: Romania secured over €14 billion in European energy funding

Green Forum
European non-reimbursable funding for the energy sector has exceeded  €14 billion, with €5.5 billion allocated to green energy production and  €1.5 billion earmarked for the transport and distribution of electricity.

"Thanks to the diligent efforts of the Ministry of Energy team, we have secured over  €14 billion in non-reimbursable European funding for the energy sector. This unprecedented funding includes more than 5.5 billion euros for green energy production, including the Contracts for Difference scheme, over 1.5 billion euros for improving electricity and natural gas transport and distribution, increasing storage capacity from zero to over 1 GW within the next two years, expanding production capacity in modern gas and cogeneration plants by over 2 GW of installed power, modernizing Romanian industry, producing green hydrogen, and supporting numerous other initiatives," said Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja.

He noted that new funding contracts are being signed almost daily. On Tuesday, an agreement was finalized with UEFISCDI (the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development, and Innovation), which will accelerate project evaluations.

"These billions of euros will strengthen Romania's energy security and lead to lower energy bills for Romanians. Although bills are capped until April 1, 2025, it's crucial to bring as many new or modernized capacities online and complete ongoing projects by then. These investments will create thousands of new jobs and provide an opportunity to revitalize Romania's energy industry," Burduja emphasized.

Green Forum  |  14 October, 2024 at 7:57 PM
Green Forum  |  14 October, 2024 at 7:55 PM