EC Approves EEW-Sumitomo deal for EEW offshore wind EU

Green Forum
The European Commission has approved the acquisition of joint control of EEW Offshore Wind EU by EEW Holding and Sumitomo under the EU Merger Regulation. 

This partnership brings together two German-based entities and one from Japan, with a focus on producing large steel tubes vital for offshore wind farm construction. Following its review, the Commission concluded that the deal would not raise competition concerns, as the market structure would remain largely unchanged.

In August of the previous year, Sumitomo announced its intention to acquire a stake in EEW Offshore Wind EU to strengthen its monopile manufacturing capabilities. The collaboration is designed to combine Sumitomo's broad expertise in the global steel market with EEW's specialized knowledge of offshore wind energy infrastructure.


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Green Forum  |  10 March, 2025 at 8:04 PM
Green Forum  |  10 March, 2025 at 7:58 PM