Timisoara to add selective waste collection islands and parking lots with PV panels

Alina Oprea13 February, 2023 at 12:58 PM

The city of Timisoara wants to be as green a city as possible. The town hall has won European funding for the installation of the first 100 islands of selective waste collection in the city. Each island has a collection capacity to serve 200 apartments.

This means that 20,000 families will have at their disposal a modern system where they can deposit their garbage, selected according to five fractions: biodegradable, residual, glass, plastic and metal, paper and cardboard.

"It is the first step we are taking in the modernization and diversification of waste collection services from the population. We are still evaluating a request for funding for the establishment of four centers for the collection of household hazardous waste, bulky waste, construction and demolition waste or green waste", says the mayor of Timisoara, Dominic Fritz.

Since the beginning of the year, the town hall has attracted over 415 million lei in European and national funds.

There are either financing contracts signed in January, or financing approved since the beginning of the year, and the signing of the contracts follows:

- RON 308.5 million (€61.7 million) European funds for 30 electric buses, 33 trolleybuses and 17 trams;

- RON 23 million (€4.6 million) European funds for the energy rehabilitation of the campus of the Alimentary High School;

- RON 43 million (€8.6 million) of national funds for the Solvent Passage;

- RON 20 million (€4 million) European funds for the energy rehabilitation of the H. Coandă College campus;

- RON 15.6 million (€3,1 million) European funds for 22 modern outpatient clinics at the Municipal Hospital;

- RON 6 million (€1.2 million) European funds for 100 islands of selective waste collection.

"It is money that will arrive in the coming years to change the lives of the people of Timisoara for the better. Whether we are talking about more efficient public transport, better medical services, more modern schools, the long-awaited connection from the Solvent or better waste collection - all of these are investments that would have been impossible to support from the local budget alone", says the mayor.

The town hall has also completed the feasibility study for the future parking lot next to the Children's Hospital, which will have 184 spaces.

The car park will have 3 above-ground floors and 2 underground floors, with charging stations for electric cars, as well as bicycle parking spaces.

Photovoltaic panels will be installed on the parking terrace, as well as hanging plants on the facades.

Next month, the project will be put to a vote in the City Council and then the design and construction of the parking lot will be put out to tender.

Romania, photovoltaic panels, waste collection, Timisoara,