Romsilva to plant 20 million forest saplings

Alina Oprea16 March, 2023 at 1:32 PM

"Tree Planting Month", marked annually between March 15 and April 15, according to the Forestry Code, involves numerous afforestation actions, popularization actions, and forestry education. At the level of the whole country, in the spring afforestation campaign, which overlaps with the Tree Planting Month, the National Forestry Authority - Romsilva will plant about 20 million forest saplings and regenerate 9,643 hectares of forest land the public property of the state, during the campaign of spring forests. Also within this campaign, in the state forest fund managed by the National Forestry Authority - Romsilva, completion works will be carried out on 1,997 hectares and plantation restoration works on another 537 hectares.

The most significant areas of the naturally regenerated forest floor in the spring afforestation campaign are managed by the Suceava Forestry Directorate, with 858 hectares, followed by the Bacău Forestry Directorates, with 580 hectares, and Arad, with 420 hectares.

Regarding artificial regenerations, the largest area of ​​forest land that will be regenerated through afforestation works is also managed by the Suceava Forestry Directorate, with 829 hectares, followed by the Vrancea Forestry Directorates, with 223 hectares, and Mureș, with 156 hectares.

At the same time, the Ministry of the Environment, Waters, and Forests benefits from substantial amounts from the PNRR. The PNRR investment measure - Investments in new areas occupied by forests, including urban forests and reforestation - has a budget of €730 million and aims to create 56,000 ha of pristine forests and areas with forest vegetation in areas vulnerable to climate change.

"Forest Month is a good opportunity to recognize the benefits of the forest for us and the environment, but also a call to action in the spirit of its protection. At the same time, the rate at which we exploit must be supported by the rate at which we plant, replant, and regenerate the forest. Along with the afforestation campaign launched by ROMSILVA, the increase in the forested area in our country is also supported by the "Forests and biodiversity protection" component of the PNRR, with a budget of €1.173 billion. The investments include the largest afforestation program, through which more than 56,700 hectares of forest will be planted, at least 90 new and renovated operational nurseries, as well as new areas of urban forests", said Barna Tánczos, Minister of Environment, Water and forests.

During this period, two calls for projects are open for the granting of support for investments in new areas occupied by forests.

The first call is "SUPPORT FOR INVESTMENTS IN NEW SURFACES OCCUPIED BY FORESTS" and has a total financial allocation of 500 million euros. Through the second call, funding is granted for the restoration of forest potential affected by fires, unfavorable meteorological phenomena that can be assimilated into a natural calamity, plant infestations with harmful organisms, and catastrophic events. The total financial allocation granted by the PNRR for restoring the forest potential is €100 million.

Also, through the PNRR, afforestation works and plantation care works and the increase of the area with forest vegetation along the communication routes, inside the urban agglomerations (urban forests, including mini-forests) around the towns and between fields with agricultural crops, as well as other categories of protective forest curtains through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

Regarding investments in new areas occupied by forests, including urban forests and reforestation, the €730 million budget is distributed as follows:

● €500 million - "Support for Investments in new areas occupied by forests";

● €100 million - "Support for restoring forest potential affected by fires, unfavorable weather phenomena that can be assimilated to a natural calamity, plant infestations with harmful organisms and catastrophic events";

● €5 million through the de minimis aid scheme - Reforestation carried out starting from February 1, 2020, and until the date of approval of the state aid scheme;

● €95 million - The establishment of forest curtains to protect communication routes according to Law no. 289/2002 and for the afforestation of degraded lands according to Law no. 100/2010;

● €30 million - for urban forests.

The total budget allocated to Component C2 of the PNRR - Forests and biodiversity - is €1.173 billion.

Romania, Ministry of Environment, Romsilva, forest, forest curtains, forest saplings,