Youth from Bihor learn to protect the environment

Alina Oprea22 May, 2023 at 3:14 PM

This week, the first ecology camp organized as part of the "Cleaning Month in Bihor County" campaign was held, run by the Bihor County Council and Ecolect Group Bihor. This day camp aimed to educate young people about the importance of protecting the environment and ecology, developing sustainable entrepreneurial skills, but also raising awareness of the existence of digital applications that support the community in order to protect the environment, such as Bihor Curat and Forest Inspector. The one-day camp, "Green Camp - School of Ecological Education in the Forest for a Clean Bihor", was organized by the Pro Time-R Association in partnership with Romsilva - Bihor Forestry Directorate at the canton of Băile Felix. 60 students from the 9th and 11th grades from the Technical College "Mihai Viteazul" Oradea participated.

The ecology school included a series of interactive activities carried out in the form of workshops:

Selective collection and circular economy - under the coordination of the AVE Bihor sanitation company;

Nature through a microscope (mobile laboratory) - under the coordination of teaching staff from the Faculty of Environmental Protection, University of Oradea, through the forestry department;

Sustainable entrepreneurship - under the coordination of Make IT Oradea;

Reconnaissance route, QR path - under the coordination of Grund School Oradea;

The Forest Inspector, the use of the application regarding the control of the transport of wood - supported by the representatives of the Oradea Forest Guard;

Creation of digital content promoting the importance of ecology and the environment - supported by Pro Time-R.

The Pro Time-R Association will organize another eight such day camps in the next period in Pucioasa Canton (Săcueni), Băile Felix Canton, Goroniște Canton (Tinca), Roșia Canton, Lunca Sprie Canton, Pădurea Mare Canton (Marghita), Gepiș Canton and Vârtop Canton.

"Cleanliness Month in Bihor County", carried out by the Bihor County Council and Ecolect Group Bihor, is a project of the entire community, which enjoys the support of partners ADI Ecolect Group, ISJ Bihor, the University of Oradea, religious cults, Oradea Municipal Sports Club, The Bihor Forestry Directorate, relevant NGOs, the local business environment and the press.

Romania, environment, Bihor, Ecolect Group Bihor, ecology, Bihor County Council,