Antibiotice Iași becomes member of Sustainable Romania Coalition

Alina Oprea21 September, 2023 at 10:24 AM

Antibiotice Iași Company, a pharmaceutical manufacturer with Romanian capital, became a member of the Sustainable Romania Coalition, the first platform for sustainable development established by the Embassy of Sustainability in Romania (ASR). ASR is a private, apolitical initiative, officially recognized as a partner and facilitator of dialogue on sustainability issues of the Department for Sustainable Development (DDD) within the Government of Romania. By joining the Sustainable Romania Coalition, Antibiotice takes another important step toward sustainable development, committing to support and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals at the country level.

"The partnership will allow the Antibiotice company to be up to date with the news in the field of sustainability for the transition to a sustainable economy and facilitate the free participation of all employees in the SustainAbility School platform, a sustainable management education program that addresses topics within the scope of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable Development", states the state company.

In recent years, Antibiotice has developed projects and actions that contribute, within the Coalition, to three sustainable development objectives: health and well-being, clean and accessible energy, and actions for climate change.

"We invest responsibly in the health of future generations - it is what guides our steps on the path of sustainability. Our mission has also been transposed into the area of ​​sustainability, being concerned with putting people's health first, not only through the medicines we have in our portfolio, but also through the way they are produced and by caring for our peers. That's why we invest responsibly in education programs and in projects aimed at increasing energy efficiency and reducing dependence on energy sources with a large carbon footprint. We also carry out prevention projects in the field of health and at the same time develop and ensure access to essential medicines for maintaining people's health", stated Sebastian Costea, executive manager of strategic projects, Antibiotics.

Among the company's most recent initiatives for sustainable development, investments in the production of energy from renewable sources with a total installed power of 3.7 MW/h are highlighted, which contribute to the development of resilience to climate change. Also, the projects aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing the incidence, among employees, of diseases with national impact, as well as the awareness program for the responsible use of antibiotics so that they retain their therapeutic effectiveness over time, represent programs that support the company's sustainable behavior.

"At the Sustainability Embassy in Romania, our mission is to promote the sustainable economic model, building a dialogue space between the business, non-governmental and non-profit environment. We are proud that the pharmaceutical field is better and better represented in the Coalition and we applaud the joining of Antibiotice Iași, the largest pharmaceutical company with Romanian capital, which makes important steps and investments in sustainability, into our community. We are convinced that this new collaboration will contribute to our joint efforts to improve transparency in the local business environment and the quality of life of Romanians", said Dragoș Tuță, Founder and President of ASR.

The Sustainable Romania Coalition is coordinated and developed by the Embassy of Sustainability in Romania, as part of the implementation and monitoring plan of the national sustainable development strategy and brings together over 150 members (large companies, SMEs, NGOs, active opinion leaders from from a social point of view), which contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals in Romania.

Romania, sustainability, Antibiotice Iasi, the Sustainable Romania Coalition, ASR, the Embassy of Sustainability in Romania,