Nokian Tyres signs €150 Million Loan with EIB for sustainable tire production

Green Forum31 July, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Nokian Tyres has signed a €150 million loan agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB). The eight-year loan will support Nokian Tyres' strategic investment project in Romania, where the company is building the first carbon-neutral tire factory.

Nokian Tyres is a leader in sustainability within the tire industry, continuously advancing in various sustainability areas. The loan agreement aims to further enhance the sustainability of Nokian Tyres' operations by funding advanced tire manufacturing technologies at the new production facility in Romania.

"Our Romanian factory is making history as the world's first zero-CO2 emission tire factory. It will set a new standard in the industry, with a holistic approach to sustainability, including the exclusive use of CO2-free energy sources and highly efficient and automated processes. The EIB is a key partner in our investment project, and the financing agreement allows us to develop the sustainability of the tire industry further," says Leena Kaipainen, VP, Group Treasurer.

sustainability, European Investment Bank, Nokian Tyres, green news, corporate sustainability reporting, sustainable tire production,