NEPI Rockcastle gets green loan for Ploiești Shopping City

Green Forum18 January, 2023 at 1:18 PM

Property group NEPI Rockcastle, the largest owner of shopping centres in Romania, has secured a green loan totalling €‎60 million for Ploiești Shopping City from a syndicate of banks. 

The financing comes three months after NEPI Rockcastle acquired a 50% stake in Ploiești Shopping City from its partner in a €55.5 million deal. 

“Green loans reflect our commitment to improving the sustainability of the Group's portfolio and reducing our carbon footprint. As announced, in Romania, the largest market in which NEPI Rockcastle operates, we are in the process of reducing the environmental impact of our portfolio by installing photovoltaic panels, thereby increasing the proportion of renewable energy used,” said Eliza Predoiu, CFO of NEPI Rockcastle. 

The loan deal was led by BRD Groupe Societe Generale, which was joined by Alpha Bank as a new bank for NEPI Rockcastle. The shopping centre was inaugurated in 2012 and has a leasable area of 46,800 sqm.  

In the financing transaction, the property group was advised by law firm Dentons Europe - Zizzi-Caradja și Asociații, while the bank syndicate was advised by CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang. 

In Romania, NEPI Rockcastle has a network of 25 shopping centres. 

NEPI Rockcastle, real estate, green loan,