Schools in Vrancea to be equipped with photovoltaic panels

Alina Oprea26 May, 2023 at 10:30 AM

The schools in Vrancea will be equipped with photovoltaic panels. The Minister of Investments and European Projects, Marcel Boloș, and the President of the Vrancea County Council, Cătălin Toma, signed the contract worth a total of €1.2 million for the production of green energy in the county. The contract will finance the project "Investments in electricity production capacities for own consumption at the level of Vrancea County". The project is financed by the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014 – 2020. The contract proposes the purchase of photovoltaic panels for the production of electricity destined for the consumption of school centers for inclusive education and a swimming pool for students. By implementing the project, the capacity to produce energy from renewable sources will increase, and the estimated annual decrease in greenhouse gases is 201.59 tons of CO2 equivalent.

The installation of photovoltaic panels to ensure own consumption at the level of public buildings come to complete the objectives of improving energy efficiency already achieved through the energy efficiency works at the level of the envelope of public buildings, the works to modernize the lighting system by installing lighting fixtures with LED technology, and of the thermal system, which was realized through the projects already financed or in the process of being financed.

"The contract signed today, the first in a series of those intended for the local authorities' own consumption, brings an investment from which both the local authorities benefit, by reducing energy bills, and the entire community, by the positive impact on the environment. Local authorities have €500 million at their disposal, through the calls launched through POIM, for the production of energy for own consumption or for sale, 63 projects out of a total of 275 projects submitted throughout the country have already been approved. In the current energy context, the funds allocated to this type of investment represent essential support for the institutions we go to every day as beneficiaries of public services – schools, town halls, and health facilities. I congratulate the representatives of the local authorities in Vrancea for bringing these funds to their communities," said Minister Marcel Boloș.

Through the investment made in Vrancea, photovoltaic panels will be placed for the production of electricity, the project includes investments in equipment, machinery, and specific equipment necessary to obtain energy from renewable sources intended for the own consumption of the School Center for Inclusive Education in Măicănești, of the School Center for Inclusive Education Mihălceni, of the School Center for Inclusive Education Elena Doamna Focșani and the teaching swimming pool in Focșani.

€500 million to be allocated for the energy efficiency of local public authorities. Through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014 – 2020, two calls were launched in the field of renewable energy intended for local public authorities, with a non-refundable financial allocation of €500 million, of which €250 million are intended for investments in energy production capacities from renewable sources for consumption own, with 268 projects submitted and 61 approved in the amount of €55.4 million.

Another €250 million are intended for measures to support investments in energy production capacities from renewable sources for sale at the level of local public authorities, of which €14.2 million have already been contracted to finance two projects.

Romania, energy efficiency, green energy, photovoltaic panels, Vrancea,