Romanians think an ideal house is characterized by sustainability

Alina Oprea5 October, 2023 at 11:15 AM

Romanians believe that innovation and modernity offer significant opportunities for environmental issues, and their openness and trust in sustainable construction materials are constantly increasing. Reveal Marketing Research conducted a nationwide study to measure the perceptions and behaviors of Romanians related to ecological issues in the field of construction. This is in the context in which we are faced with an excessive consumption of the planet's natural resources that threatens the future of the next generations.

The sustainable character of constructions is essential for protecting the environment, reducing long-term costs, and improving the quality of human life, and in the view of 37% of Romanians, the ideal house is characterized by sustainability (compared to 28% in 2022), the study reveals.

According to the results of the Reveal Marketing Research study, modernization is becoming an increasingly important facet in ensuring the quality of life and protecting the planet, with 84% of Romanians being of the opinion that the way in which innovation and technology are managed and used can positively influence the protection of the environment.

This perception is found especially in the case of people between the ages of 35-44 (96%), this being the age group that chooses "green" or ecological products and solutions more often in everyday life (14% vs. 11% total sample).

Turning our attention to masonry materials, we notice that being "friendly with the environment" is becoming more and more defining for this product category, registering a score of 58%, a percentage increasing by 7% compared to a similar study held in 2021.

Moreover, the confidence level of Romanians in building a house with the most sustainable masonry material is increasing compared to last year, reaching 72% (vs. 66% in 2022). This attitude is found to be significantly greater among those aged between 35-55 (83%) and those who have built or are in the process of building a house (84%).

Sustainability in construction takes many forms, and if we refer to the motivations for choosing the masonry material used in the construction process, sustainable attributes are associated to a greater extent with the BCA material. So, 56% of construction professionals say they prefer to build with this material because of its durability, while 26% mention its ecological character, and 21% its quality to help reduce carbon emissions.

"The living space is of crucial importance in ensuring the quality of life, having the ability to influence aspects such as health, safety, comfort, well-being or satisfaction felt by individuals. The results of the study reflect a significant concern and growing public awareness of environmental issues in construction, with them emphasizing the importance of sustainable construction. Romanians aspire to live in sustainable and energy-efficient homes that are environmentally friendly and help them save in the long term by lowering maintenance costs," says Marius Luican, CEO of Reveal Marketing Research.

More than 60% of Romanians are concerned to a great extent about all the problems in the field of construction that influence the quality of life, the energy performance of the building (76%), and the inadequate disposal of construction waste (69%) are their main concerns.

If we refer to the influence of the construction process on the environment, 79% of Romanians believe that it is necessary to prioritize the promotion of products that help the environment, while 78% perceive construction companies as being responsible for the level of the carbon footprint they emit, and 77% are of the opinion that all companies should make public the activities through which they harm the environment (77%).

Focusing our attention on the different types of consumers, we notice that those who have built or are in the process of building a house consider to a significantly greater extent that the sustainability of the home is as important as the comfort it offers (86 % compared to 77% total sample).

Sustainability in construction helps conserve natural resources and create a healthy and comfortable environment for residents. Most construction professionals say they recommend BCA as a masonry material for customers who want a sustainable/green, modern, and energy-efficient home.

Romania, sustainability, green house, sustainable construction material, Reveal Marketing Research,