Banca Transilvania provides €10 million in green funding for Quartier Azuga

Green Forum
Banca Transilvania financed the company STC Partners with  €10 million for the expansion of the Quartier Azuga residential complex in Bucharest's Tei area by more than 100 homes. The first phase of the project was also backed by BT with €6million in January this year. 

The standards offered by Quartier Azuga are based on modern living conditions and environmental responsibility, resulting in higher living standards, significant utility cost savings, and a reduced carbon footprint. 

"Banca Transilvania supports high-quality green real estate projects such as Quartier Azuga. Our additional investment in the development of this new green residential community underlines our confidence in the quality of the project and its contribution to Bucharest's landscape and quality of life," sayid Cosmin Călin, Executive Director of Large Corporate, Banca Transilvania.

Since 2007, Banca Transilvania has been the first bank in Romania to provide energy-efficiency financing in the residential sector.    

Progress in energy efficiency must be doubled

Progress in energy efficiency must be doubled

For net zero emissions in 2030, it is necessary to double the progress in energy efficiency. The International Energy Agency has brought together world leaders in the field of energy and climate change in France for a major discussion on energy efficiency. A new IEA analysis shows that the world needs to double progress on energy efficiency by 2030 as part of efforts to improve energy security and affordability while maintaining the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

Schools in Vrancea to be equipped with photovoltaic panels
Real estate

Schools in Vrancea to be equipped with photovoltaic panels

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Drobeta Turnu Severin Emergency County Hospital becomes energy efficient
Real estate

Drobeta Turnu Severin Emergency County Hospital becomes energy efficient

Drobeta Turnu Severin Emergency County Hospital becomes energy efficient, by installing monocrystalline photovoltaic panels. The Mehedinți County Council announces that an important part of the modernization and energy efficiency project of the hospital's main building is the thermal efficiency of the building together with alternative energy sources that will ensure both patient comfort and lower costs for the maintenance of the medical unit.


ENGIE Romania completes first hybrid plant

ENGIE Romania has expanded its renewable energy portfolio by completing its first hybrid plant, combining wind and solar power, with a total installed capacity of 57 MW.

Green Forum  |  4 September, 2024 at 8:40 PM
Green Forum  |  4 September, 2024 at 8:38 PM