Hungarian gov't adopts five-year green public procurement strategy

Green Forum25 January, 2023 at 8:11 AM

According to the latest Hungarian Official Gazette, the government will adopt the "Hungary's Green Public Procurement Strategy 2022-2027" and set a series of tasks for Ministers in different areas.

Hungary's Green Public Procurement Strategy (2022-2027) and the individual measures required for its implementation were also published in the latest Official Gazette, including:

  • The government adopts the document titled Hungary's Green Public Procurement Strategy 2022-2027
  • The government calls on the Minister of Regional Development to examine the mandatory applicability of the green and environmental public procurement criteria already developed and published for certain procurement objects, products, product groups, services and works, and to prepare a legislative proposal based on the results of the examination by 1 July 2023.
  • It is also the task of the Minister of Regional Development, Tibor Navracsics, to support the strengthening of green public procurement professional capacities by participating in the development of life cycle costing methodologies, supporting the development of green public procurement strategies by contracting authorities, and training responsible accredited public procurement consultants and staff of procurement professionals from contracting authorities and contracting entities.
  • The government calls on the Minister for Regional Development to monitor the implementation of the strategy and to report on its implementation every three years (2024 and 2027) and to propose, if necessary, a revision of the strategy
  • The government calls on the Minister of Construction and Transport, János Lázár, to carry out an analysis of the economic impact of the obligations related to the implementation of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles and the legislation transposing it into national law, and, if necessary, to ensure the development of financing schemes for the public procurement of clean vehicles
  • The government calls on the Minister for Economic Development, Márton Nagy, to take into account Act XXXIV of 2004 on small and medium-sized enterprises and support for their development when preparing the conditions for funding sources, according to which support programmes should be available for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in meeting green public procurement requirements, obtaining eco-labels and introducing environmental management and certification systems
  • The government calls on the Minister of Energy, Csaba Lantos, to develop supporting tools to facilitate the use of the ecolabel by contracting authorities by 31 December 2023
  • The government calls on the President of the Public Procurement Authority, László Kovács, to act as a Green Public Procurement Competence Centre, with the involvement of stakeholders and domestic institutions involved in the control and audit of EU-funded procurement, to develop green public procurement solutions for at least 3 procurement products or product groups to be implemented in practice in domestic public procurement by 30 November 2023.
Hungary, legislation, regulation, green,