Town in Braila County fined for illegally stored household waste

Alina Oprea2 March, 2023 at 12:53 PM

Following the verification of a notification regarding the uncontrolled storage of waste on the territory of the Tichileşti UAT, the GNM commissioners CJ Brăila identified the location located in the outskirts of the Tichileşti locality, in the southern area, respectively on the area of ​​a concrete gutter channel where they were stored in illegally mixed mixed municipal waste, plant residues, manure and inert waste, on an area estimated at around 1,500 sqm, informs the National Environmental Guard.

Thus, a contraventional sanction of RON 20,000 (€ 4,000) was applied to the Ţichilesti City Hall and measures were established for separate collection of waste, greening of the land and legal disposal of waste.

Also, on March 1, 2023, following checks carried out by the representatives of IPJ Mehedinți - the Road Service within the radius of the commune of Hinova, a van loaded with ferrous metal waste resulting from car dismantling was stopped in traffic, in the area of ​​the village of Ostrovul Corbului.

On this occasion, the Mehedinți Environmental Guard was notified by phone and the presence of the on-call team was requested. GNM-CJ Mehedinți commissioners identified the fact that the van was transporting waste resulting from the dismantling of end-of-life vehicles (bars, doors, seats, engine components, etc.), in the amount of approximately 700 kg.

Following the control, it was found that the transport of waste resulting from the disassembly of end-of-life vehicles was carried out on public roads without the possession of the mandatory documents that must accompany each transport according to the requirements of the legislation in force.

"These facts represent violations/non-compliance with the provisions of H.G. no. 1061/2008 regarding the transport of hazardous and non-hazardous waste on the territory of Romania, for which a contravention penalty of RON 15,000 (€ 3,000) was applied and the vehicle was confiscated", states the National Environmental Guard.

Romania, household waste, National Environmental Guard,