Romania adopts Action Plan for National Strategy regarding circular economy

Alina Oprea9 October, 2023 at 1:40 PM

The Bucharest Government has adopted the action plan for the National Strategy regarding the circular economy. Thus, one of the milestones of the Reform regarding waste management, related to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), is fulfilled. According to a press release from the Department of Sustainable Development within the Government, the action plan for the National Strategy regarding the circular economy presents the vision and concrete actions in the short, medium, and long term (2032), the role of public, private entities and the general public as well as the degree of their involvement during the implementation. It allows the Government of Romania, through the Coordination Committee for the Circular Economy of Romania, to initiate coherent measures over time to develop good governance and strengthen the circular economy's foundations.

"The fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the PNRR is only the beginning of the transformations we must make to move from the paradigm of the linear economy to a circular model. Therefore, we have established a governance structure that clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of the institutions to complete the implementation of the 52 actions. The transition to the circular economy is of strategic importance, as in addition to reducing waste, it reduces the pressure on natural resources, encourages investment in innovative technologies, and can contribute to creating new jobs ", said state councilor Laszlo Borbely.

The national strategy regarding the circular economy identifies seven economic sectors for which the exploitation of the maximum potential of the circular economy is aimed: Agriculture and Forestry; automotive industry; Construction; Food and Beverages; Packaging (glass, paper, and plastic materials, etc.); Textiles; Electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators. To these economic sectors are added those of Waste and Water, as well as a transversal field dedicated to activities supporting measures in the field of the circular economy (for example: promoting responsible consumption and environmental education; developing a digital platform to track and communicate in regarding the implementation of circular economy actions, performance indicators and other relevant information).

The development of the Action Plan for the Circular Economy (PAEC) by the Department for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests (MMAP) and the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) was carried out within a project financed by the Support Instrument Technically managed by the General Directorate Support for Structural Reforms of the European Commission - DG Reform.

The general objective of this strategy is closely related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda and the global climate goals, as well as the new European Union (EU) goals in the PAEC, in accordance with the principles and actions promoted under Green Pact of the European Union.

Romania, Ministry of Environment, circular economy, László Borbély, National Strategy regarding the circular economy, PAEC,