Tag: Delgaz Grid (4 articles)

Energy   |   24 April, 2023 at 3:28 PM

Delgaz Grid is testing the use of hydrogen in gas networks

Delgaz Grid begins, in the Mediaș training ground, the tests within the 20HyGrid project, through which it aims to validate the use of the technological solution based on the mixture of 23% hydrogen with natural gas. The company shows that Romania has the remarkable potential both in terms of the production of green hydrogen, but also in terms of the production of renewable energy from which green hydrogen is produced.

Energy   |   20 March, 2023 at 11:46 AM

Delgaz Grid to set up green corridors along high-voltage overhead power lines

The distribution companies of the E.ON group set up 13,000 km of green corridors along the high-voltage overhead lines from the Black Sea to Sweden. In Romania, Delgaz Grid will develop approximately 1,200 ha along the route of 370 km of high-voltage power lines. Green corridors support healthy, sustainable ecosystems and biodiversity.


ENGIE Romania completes first hybrid plant

ENGIE Romania has expanded its renewable energy portfolio by completing its first hybrid plant, combining wind and solar power, with a total installed capacity of 57 MW.