Tag: Ministry of the Environment (2 articles)

Finance   |   11 October, 2023 at 10:15 AM

World Bank finances Romania to combat nutrient pollution

The World Bank has supported Romania in its efforts to combat nutrient pollution for the past two decades, with over €110 million invested in local communities, says Anna Akhalkatsi, Country Manager for Romania at the World Bank.

Environment   |   22 June, 2023 at 3:00 PM

35 tons of oil leaks into the Danube in Serbia

35 tons of oil products leaked from a ship under the Bulgarian flag on the main course of the Danube, near Cělarevo (Serbia), at km 1287. This information was received by the Ministry of the Environment, Waters and Forests, and the National Administration "Romanian Waters" - Department of Emergency Situations, through the secretary for border waters within the Romania-Serbia bilateral agreement, in the afternoon of June 20.