Tag: climate (6 articles)

Industry   |   31 May, 2023 at 2:00 PM

Global economic losses from natural disasters reach $313 billion

2022 global economic losses from natural disasters have reached $313 billion. Romania is in second place in Europe, after Spain, in terms of forest fires. AON, one of the global leaders in the insurance broker market, announces the results of the worldwide study "Weather, Climate and Catastrophe Insight,” which measures how these elements have changed and influenced society, the economy, and the insurance system.

Regulation   |   26 April, 2023 at 12:05 PM

EU and Norway establishe Green Alliance to strengthen their joint climate action

The EU and Norway have established a Green Alliance to strengthen their joint climate action, environmental protection efforts, and cooperation on the clean energy and industrial transition. Both sides reiterate their commitment to their respective 2030 targets of at least 55% greenhouse gas emission reductions compared to 1990, and to achieving climate neutrality at the latest by 2050.

Industry   |   24 April, 2023 at 11:18 AM

Romanians are interested in climate change

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22. On this occasion, Google presents the popular searches of Romanians, related to climate change and environmental protection. Thus, climate changes and their effects on the environment, solar energy, recycling, or electric bicycles were among Romanians' searches on Google.


ENGIE Romania completes first hybrid plant

ENGIE Romania has expanded its renewable energy portfolio by completing its first hybrid plant, combining wind and solar power, with a total installed capacity of 57 MW.