Tag: climate-neutral (3 articles)

Regulation   |   8 May, 2023 at 8:50 AM

Romanian government adopts the scenario of climate neutrality

The government approved the "Neutral Romania 2050" scenario, for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The Minister of the Environment, Tanczos Barna, says that the chosen option is a terminal through which Romania assumed that economic development will be practically decoupled from the increase in emissions.

Industry   |   5 May, 2023 at 5:30 PM

Electrolux reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 82%

The Electrolux Group reached its set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions three years earlier. The group thus reduced its greenhouse gas emissions from direct and indirect operations by 82% and the emissions resulting from the direct use of household appliances by 25%.

Regulation   |   14 March, 2023 at 2:51 PM

EP adopts new carbon sinks goal

The European Parliament adopts a new carbon sink goal that increases the EU 2030 climate ambition. The new law raises the EU carbon sink target for the land use and forestry sector, which should reduce greenhouse gases in the EU in 2030 by up to 57% compared to 1990.


EU boosts offshore energy goals

EU countries have updated their goals for the deployment of offshore renewable energy up to 2050 in each of the EU's 5 sea basins, with intermediate objectives to be achieved by 2030 and 2040.