Tag: interview (38 articles)

Finance   |   25 July, 2023 at 8:05 AM

ING Bank Romania aims for net-zero in its own operations

ING Bank Romania has invested €11 million in the past 11 years in environmental actions in Romania and €1.2 million were donated in 2022 alone for vulnerable groups' support, says Alexandra Maier, Sustainability Manager at ING Bank Romania.

Real estate   |   19 July, 2023 at 8:00 AM

Architect Matius Ichim: "Lack of education in terms of ESG is the challenge"

Lack of education in terms of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and a poor number of good practice solutions are two of the challenges in the field, says Matius Ichim, Architect at Matius Studio and owner of the retail platform www.prioretail.ro. He talked to Green Forum about the advantages of a sustainably built commercial space. He says that 15-20% of the operating networks in Romania have started implementing ESG key principles in their fit-out design and close to 5% in full sustainable standards.

Industry   |   12 July, 2023 at 2:20 AM

Nestlé aims for 100% deforestation-free primary supply chains

At the end of 2022, 81.9 % of Nestlé's plastic packaging was designed for recycling, says Irina Siminenco, Corporate Affairs Manager at Nestlé România. She talked to Green Forum about the company's overall ESG strategy and about the investment plans in sustainability.

Finance   |   5 July, 2023 at 10:00 AM

OTP Bank Romania enhances commitment to sustainable financing

The banking sector in Romania has made notable progress in aligning its practices to evolving ESG standards and regulations aimed to support the EU's ambitious decarbonization targets, says Gyula Fatér, CEO of OTP Bank Romania. He talked to Green Forum about the role that ESG currently plays in the decision-making process at OTP Bank Romania.

Industry   |   29 June, 2023 at 12:33 AM

Coca-Cola HBC Romania: "We are taking firm steps to reach net-zero emissions"

Coca-Cola HBC Romania is the first local company, in the FMCG industry to produce a sustainability report to international standards and among the first local companies to publicly present such a report, says Alice Nichita, Corporate Affairs & Sustainability Director at Coca-Cola HBC Romania. She talked to Green Forum about the company's ESG strategy and the company's current sustainability targets and the social initiatives that the company and its employees are involved in.

Energy   |   22 June, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Nuclearelectrica avoids the release of 10 million tons of CO2 every year

Nuclearelectrica avoids the release of 10 million tons of CO2 every year by producing clean energy. 205 million tons of CO2 were avoided since the commissioning of the first reactor in 1996, says Cosmin Ghiță, CEO of Nuclearelectrica. He talked to Green Forum about Nuclearelectrica's ESG strategy and about the investment projects with a vital role in Romania's decarbonization. He also talked about the sustainable projects that the company ran last year and how Nuclearelectrica contributes to a sustainable future.

Energy   |   13 June, 2023 at 10:00 AM

CEZ Romania appoints ESG Ambassadors from among its employees

CEZ is strengthening its ESG requirements stemming from the improvement potential, set according to reporting standards and financial institutions, says Ondrej Safar, CEO and Member of the Board CEZ Romania. He talked to Green Forum about the social responsibility and health projects that the company is preparing in 2023 and about the company's energy production projects from renewable sources.

Business   |   27 April, 2023 at 8:46 AM

TeraPlast sets sustainable development as its strategic mission

TeraPlast, a Romanian manufacturer of construction materials, has pipes for external sewers made of 100% recycled PVC and uses approximately 20%-30% recycled material in the production of PVC pipes, says Alexandru Stânean, CEO TeraPlast. He talked to Green Forum about the company's key sustainability objectives and investment plans in 2023.

Energy   |   4 April, 2023 at 12:00 PM

Clean energy is the key to securing a bright future for the next generations

Romanian state-owned company Hidroelectrica is focused on the development of energy production projects exclusively from renewable sources, says Bogdan Badea, CEO of Hidroelectrica. He talked to Green Forum about its plans for this year regarding sustainability and the social responsibility projects that the company is involved in.

Industry   |   14 March, 2023 at 4:03 PM

Profi Romania refines its strategy to meet all ESG aspects

Recovery and capitalization of waste stand out as a priority in Profi's strategy for environmental protection, says Gabriela Sirbu, Sustainability Director at Profi. She talked to Green Forum about Profi Romania's ESG strategy, the goals for this year and the investments in the community.

Finance   |   15 February, 2023 at 3:17 PM

Changing job titles is not enough, mindsets need to change

Some of the key components of the necessary framework to support sustainability and attract additional investment for companies are transparency, monitoring and reporting, says Ilinka Kajgana, Executive Vice President Risk, Member of the Executive Committee at BCR.


ENGIE Romania completes first hybrid plant

ENGIE Romania has expanded its renewable energy portfolio by completing its first hybrid plant, combining wind and solar power, with a total installed capacity of 57 MW.