Tag: nuclear energy (3 articles)

Energy   |   22 June, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Nuclearelectrica avoids the release of 10 million tons of CO2 every year

Nuclearelectrica avoids the release of 10 million tons of CO2 every year by producing clean energy. 205 million tons of CO2 were avoided since the commissioning of the first reactor in 1996, says Cosmin Ghiță, CEO of Nuclearelectrica. He talked to Green Forum about Nuclearelectrica's ESG strategy and about the investment projects with a vital role in Romania's decarbonization. He also talked about the sustainable projects that the company ran last year and how Nuclearelectrica contributes to a sustainable future.

Energy   |   19 June, 2023 at 3:30 PM

EU aims for 42.5% renewable energy share by 2030

The ambassadors of the EU member states reached an agreement on the expansion of renewable energy until 2030. France obtained assurances that nuclear energy will have a more important role in the energy transition and thus gave up its last opposition moment.