Tag: wpd (2 articles)

Energy   |   27 November, 2023 at 8:35 AM

WPD to build wind farm in Iasi County

WPD, a developer of wind projects in Europe, intends to build a wind farm in Iași County, according to data from the national energy carrier, Transelectrica.

Energy   |   23 June, 2023 at 12:30 PM

wpd to build 30 MW solar power plant in Croatia

wpd, a renewable energy developer based in Germany, plans to build a solar power plant at the site of its existing wind farm Katuni in Croatia. The new solar power plant with an installed capacity of 30 MW and the existing wind farm with a capacity of 34.2 MW will together deliver a maximum of 39 MW to the grid at a time. This is in line with wpd's existing connection contract with the transmission system operator.