Allview to build two PV systems for Arad Water Company

Alina Oprea
Visual Fan, the company that owns the Allview brand, announced the start of the construction project of two photovoltaic plants with a total power of 799.5 kWp, for the Arad Water Company. Visual Fan is listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange under the symbol ALW and is an expanding supplier of new technologies oriented toward sustainability. This project results from a public auction and aims to increase the share of energy from renewable sources and energy efficiency, thus contributing to achieving the country's objectives regarding the energy transition and the modernization of the energy system, under sustainability conditions, the company also says.

The two photovoltaic plants, of 399.75 kWp each, will be located within the Water Plant II and the Arad Wastewater Treatment Plant. To ensure efficiency and optimal performance, 1,230 photovoltaic panels of 650 W, Allview brand, and 6 Growatt On-Grid solar inverters, with a nominal power of 110 kW, will be installed on the ground, using support structures without knocking, made of reinforced concrete.

The structures are suitable for lands that cannot be penetrated for various reasons and offer multiple benefits such as high resistance over time, faster assembly, and stability in case of adverse weather conditions.

The project, financed through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program (POIM), is to be completed by the end of 2023. It is in line with the objectives of reducing CO2 emissions and contributes to the improvement of climate change.

The photovoltaic plants will provide almost 15% of the total energy consumption of the Arad Water Company, in the first year of operation. In the next 20 years, the plants will produce approximately 20,000 MWh, and the carbon footprint will decrease by approximately 7,000 tons of CO2.

Allview INDUSTRY - IMM is the division that specialized in the development and implementation of photovoltaic panel systems for the industrial sector and the business environment. The Visual Fan company aims to have a portfolio of over 100 MW of implemented solar energy projects by the end of 2024.

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